Monday, May 25, 2020
Employee Training And Development Plan - 753 Words
Annually each employee is required to complete a specific set of requirements to be qualified to remain qualified to continue employment within their place of employment. This job requires that the employee keep up with certain standards of productivity and performance to stay competitive. Most companies must require that the employee engages in job related training and development courses in specifically related to their job description. According to Landy and Conte (2013) development is the formal education, job experience, mentoring, relationships, and assessment personality and abilities that help employees prepare for the future. Training is the systematic acquisition of skills, concepts or attitude that results in improved performance in another environment. Annually organizations spend billions on employee training each year, to make sure that they continually invest in educating the individuals within their workforce. It is important that each employer detail a â€Å"training and development plan that will help employees to improve their job knowledge, remain up-to-date and give them the tools required to handle job operations with relative ease and comfort. Training and development also ensure employees can competently, meet the deadlines, achieve the targets and show performance as they know the most effective and efficient ways of performing jobs. Further, the increasingly complex nature of modern job demands systematic training to make possible even minimum levels ofShow MoreRelatedAction plans1415 Words  | 6 PagesAction Plans: Enhancing Training Development for Employees Abstract This research paper analyzes and summarizes three published articles and a textbook that provides information on the results from a previous research conducted. 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This has enabled our company to increase our customer satisfaction. As consultants in developing training programs, our company has developed training objectives that meet Cook Out restaurant needs. Key elements of training and development The training program for Cook OutRead MoreLack Of Strong Communication Skills1533 Words  | 7 Pagesmay require multiple people participating in the care of a patient. Evidence has shown that a lack of strong communication has led to negative patient outcomes and financial losses for the institution. Effective communication will help deliver the plan and staff members will know exactly what is expected off them versus trying to figure it out on their own. Good communication will also help to prevent errors in a field where a mistake could mean severely harming a child or the death of a child. 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This training will be held for two days to ensure all Human Resource Recruitment and Placement Specialist can benefit and implement directly from the Annual Training and Development within guidelines and current requirements. This plan hol ds the organization s training mission, critical training, and any special training needed to help implementRead MoreEmployee Career Management Plan - Hrm 531 Essay1513 Words  | 7 PagesCareer Management Plan For New Employees * Career Development Plan Part III – Performance and Career Management HRM 531/Week Four July 26, 2010 Abstract Management has been tasked to develop a performance and management program that will provide new employees with resources to advancement opportunities with InterClean. Not only will the development of the Career
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Literature Research and Essay Sleep Deprivation and...
What is the recent evidence that links sleep deprivation with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease? Introduction Recently, many epidemiology studies were conducted to find out the effect of sleep deprivation on the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Sleep deprivation is a concern for the working population especially the shift-workers. If sleep deprivation leads to cardiovascular diseases, they are at higher risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, myocardial infarction and stroke. I chose five recent studies that provide an insight of the relationship between sleep deprivation and cardiovascular diseases. Sleep restriction increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by augmenting proinflammatory responses through IL-17 and CRP A cohort study was conducted by van Leeuwen et al to investigate the effect of sleep deprivation on the cardiovascular system through immunological response (van Leeuwen et al., 2009). Nineteen healthy young men with regular sleeping behaviour had physical screening. The experimental group (n=13) had sleep duration of 4 hours for 5 nights, followed by recovery sleep (8 hours) for 2 nights. Proliferation of IL-17, a proinflammatory cytokine increased significantly after sleep restriction and its concentration was not reduced to baseline level after 2 nights of recovery sleep. In addition, significant increase of C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammation marker was also measured and its concentrationShow MoreRelatedPsychological And Biological Factors Of Health Psychology2113 Words  | 9 Pagescontributors to health and disease. Health is determined by several factors including genetic inheritance, personal behaviours, access to quality health care, and the general external env ironment. Over the past several decades, the area of health psychology has seen the rise of a great interest from researchers, motivated by recent evidence that psychological and biological factors have important implications for health (Kiecolt-Glaser et al. 2002; Cohen et al. 2007). This essay addresses the interplayRead MoreExploring the Relationship Between Physical Health and Mental Health for the Person with Dementia.5918 Words  | 24 Pages aggression and wandering, which complicate care and can occur at any stage of the illness. Family carers of people with dementia are often old and frail themselves with high levels of depression and physical illness†(DOH 2009) The following Essay will consider the relationship and impact between physical health and a diagnosis of dementia, for the person with dementia and their family carers. The importance of having a focus on both physical health and healthy living will be discussed, andRead MoreDieting Makes People Fat Essay19490 Words  | 78 PagesThis has been investigated in biomedical research. Smoking leads to various diseases like asthma, insomnia, heart murmurs, emphysema, strokes, heart disease and lung cancer among a wide variety of diseases and conditions. Lung cancer causes nearly 27% of deaths in smokers alone. This form of cancer may appear as soon as one starts smoking. It takes many years for lung cancer to manifest. It is considered as a number one killer in smokers. Also, heart disease leads to 24% of deaths from smoking. TheRead MorePsychology Workbook Essay22836 Words  | 92 Pagesmethod? The scientific method proves or disproves competing ideas. Scientists make careful observations and therapies which are revised based on new observations . 2. The steps of the scientific method are (1) identify a problem or research question, (2) design a study, (3) collect data, (4) analyze data, (5) draw conclusions, and (6) communicate findings. Identify the step associated with each of the following activities: __3___ Dr. Lopez noted absent or present by each students
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
SCI Wk 1 Lab Reporting Form Essay - 604 Words
Lab 1 – Introduction to Science Exercise 1: The Scientific Method Dissolved oxygen is oxygen that is trapped in a fluid, such as water. Since many living organism requires oxygen to survive, it is a necessary component of water systems such as streams, lakes and rivers in order to support aquatic life. The dissolved oxygen is measured in units of parts per million (ppm). Examine the data in Table 4 showing the amount of dissolved oxygen present and the number of fish observed in the body of water the sample was taken from; finally, answer the questions below. QUESTIONS 1. Make an observation – Based on the data in Table 4, discuss what patterns you observe in regards to dissolved oxygen content and fish populations in the body of†¦show more content†¦Independent-dissolving oxygen. Dependent-fish. No control-because the pump was never turned back on and without the pump we can not control the fish dieing. 5. Analyze results – Assume that your experiment produces results identical to those seen in Table 4, what type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the data and why? Answer = A line graph will be appropriate because it supports the hypothesis because it provides clear results. 6. Analyze results - Graph the data from Table 4 and describe what your graph looks like (you do not have to submit a picture of the actual graph!). Answer = It would have categories for the number of fish, the amount of water, the tempature of the water, and if nutrients were added. 7. Draw conclusions - Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7. What conclusions can you make based on the results of this graph? Answer = The graph shows the fish population increases in due to more dissolved oxygen that is found in the body of water. 8. Draw conclusions – Assuming that your experiment produced results identical to those seen in Table 4, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 3? Explain how you determined this. Answer = I would accept the hypothesis. Because the experiement is replicable because only one test was done at a time and all steps were included. References Francis-Floyd, R. (2003).
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis Of Robert Frosts Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Essay Example For Students
Analysis Of Robert Frosts Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Essay Robert Frosts Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is by far one of my favorite works of modern poetry. The pensive, unhurried mood of the poem is reflected with a calm rich imagery that creates a vivid mental picture. The simple words and rhyme scheme of the poem give it an easy flow, which adds to the tranquility of the piece. Every aspect of the poem builds off the others to put the mind into the calm of a winter evening. The first stanza of the poem is rather simple and provides the basis for the imagery. It mentions the woods and implies that they are located away from town and civilization his house is in the village though. It also shows the easy pace that speaker is taking, having plenty of time to simply watch the falling snow. As I think about them, the words of the first stanza are not overtly somber, they do however through their order and the way they were chosen create a rather pensive mood. The second stanza provides a more in depth view of the imagery sketched out in the first; it also provides a more definite time and location. The first two lines of this stanza firmly place the reader rather deep in the woods and away from any dwelling. He is so far out in fact that his horse is puzzled by his actions. The next line gives a better image of the scene Between the woods and frozen lake; it seems to be a rather quiet and lonely place. The next line then provides that it is night and very dark, either emotionally or actually. I think that Frost intended to make that line rather ambiguous The darkest evening of the year, It can either be taken literally as the most lightless night, or it can be taken as the night of the darkest emotions. I think that it is a combination of the two, a dark moonless winter night in which the speaker experiences some form of depression or loneliness. The third stanza of the poem brings the strangeness of the situation to a head. The only other living being in this cold lonely landscape, the speakers horse takes action to find the reason for the odd stopping. The noise from the inquisitive harness bells provide contrast to the quiet of the scene, where the only other sounds a wind and snow. The descriptions of the sounds provide a little insight to the speakers mindset and position. He is so still that he can here the soft fall of the downy flake and hear the movement of the easy wind. This also shows a great calm and patience that the speaker must posses. The final stanza of the poem brings all the sentiments of the poem together, an intense love and awe of nature, a never ending patience and some unknown task or problem that robs the speaker of rest. The dark and deep woods seem to reflect the speaker, his dark emotion and depth of character. There stillness also contrasts with the need of the repeated closing lines And miles to go before I sleep/ And miles to go before I sleep. These final lines represent the problem that has plagued the speaker and that is most likely responsible for his dark mood. It is something that is undefined that does not demand a rush to deal with, but is important enough to demand attention. The poem as a whole, is a simple effigy of a quiet thoughtful night. I can easily relate to the poem, the emotions it describes and the way that the images are presented. The careless ease with which the poem is read is vital to the poem as a whole. Also this is my favorite poem, I didnt have to open the book to remember it, only to see its format again. It reminds me of the moods I feel on snowy nights or early mornings. I live in the woods and before I drove; I often walked through them as a shortcut to visit friends, so I have many memories of stopping by a neighbors wood on an easy walk home, and watching the snow slowly fall.
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