Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Jeff Wall Photography Essay Example for Free
Jeff Wall Photography Essay Jeff Wall’s photography is a mixed media event that indulges more in narrative than in color, although color is an important part of his composition. Wall’s photograph is unique as well as reminiscent: his work builds off of the work of Delecroix and Manet. In this fashion Wall’s work combines a sense of artistic style with film and the ever present narrative. This paper will present three photographs of Jeff Wall with analysis on their use of narrative, color, composition and meaning (Holmes paragraph One). The Destroyed Room Jeff Wall’s expression in The Destroyed Room is in reference to window displays. In this photographer however the viewer gains a very different perspective than the neat and pedestrian window displays seen on 5th avenue during Christmas, instead Wall presents a room ripped apart. The main inspiration to the chaos as opposed to the control seen in typical window displays is in accordance to the punk style in which commodities and fanciful things such as high heels (as seen in the photograph) become a form of high class culture which the punks sought out to de-value as unnecessary. Wall’s ‘revenge’ as he states in this room is against domesticity, of corpulent people living mediocre lives in display window fashion instead of focusing on what lies beneath the surface of their culture: the dirt, the chaos, the room shredded in a protest against a docile living condition placated the rich. Of this photograph, Wall states, â€Å"†¦ I was lecturing on Romanticism. I think the Sardanaphalus is a very important picture historically and psychologically because it shows the eroticized ideal of military glory which characterized the Napoleonic period being turned inward, back toward domestic life at the end of that epoch, at the beginning of modern, bourgeois, neurotic private life†(MoMA paragraph One). Thus, this photograph is an elaboration on the idea that domesticity has no truth and thus the violence of the upheaval in the room. The Mimic Jeff Wall’s photography while alluding to specific figures in art, and their work, does not necessarily ‘steal’ from these works, but enhances upon the concept which the artist originally wanted to present to the audience. In this fashion, Wall’s photography does not mimic other photographers but merely, as the saying goes, builds upon their shoulders, and their work into an evolution of art. In the photograph The Mimic Wall illustrates this point: Wall’s photograph pays homage to the works of ‘Manet, Caravaggio, and Valezquez’ (MoMa paragraph Four) in that his focal figures are in the foreground of the piece, and they, as much as possible, appear to be life size (this is accentuated in their movement and their surrounding environment such as the buildings, the street and their placement next to one another). By using a trio as the focal point in The Mimic, Wall creates a specific dynamic between these figures in which the tension is very much palpable as the viewer may surmise from the look of the woman to the right of the man flipping off the other man, in the look of the central figure, one of angst, hate, and general animosity and the response of the figure on the left of the central figure in his response to being flipped off; the squint of the eye and the snarl in the lip â€Å"Mimic was made in 1982 and was a pictures in which I concentrated a lot on a typical gesture, perhaps a micro-gesture but certainly a small gesture of race hatred†(MoMA paragraph Six). Wall does not only build tension in the photograph but in the elapsing space behind the central figures is seen the tension emphasized. Thus, although the photograph is expansive in its depth, it’s size and its movement from one figure to another it is also a very traditional ‘portrait’ as is presented in Wall’s comparing of it to the three prestigious artists as mentioned above. Thus, although the crude behavior may be of a punk generation (the photograph was made in 1982), the candidness juxtaposes the classical feel of the piece. Milk Here again the viewer will see a typical motion of Wall’s in his photographer, that of explosion. Although most of his photographs portray the act of explosion after the fact (as in The Destroyed Room) this photograph portrays the act of explosion while midway through the air. This is in itself is a gesture of magnitude, as the other photographs mentioned in the paper only hint or makes previous reference to this motion (the racial hatred in The Mimic shows the subtle look of someone about to explode but not the full act). In this photograph Wall explores the natural shape and form of an eruption, as Wall states, â€Å"The explosion of the milk from its container takes a shape which is not really describable or characterizable, but which provokes many associations. A natural form with all of its unpredictable contours, is an expression of infinitesimal metamorphoses of quality. Photography seems perfectly adapted for representing this kind of movement or form. I think this is because of the mechanical character of the action of opening and closing the shutterâ€â€the substratum of instantaneity which persists in all photographyâ€â€is the concrete opposite kind of movement from, for example, the flow of a liquid†(MoMA paragraph Ten). Thus, the action of the milk stands as an opposite to the camera’s shutter therefore mingling two opposite components into a single photograph which in itself becomes a mirror for fluidity. Conclusion Wall’s photographs have been explored in this paper as examples of movement, form, and the narrative of destruction in all three photographs is a palatable theme. This destruction as seen in accordance to denying domesticity, to what race hatred may bring out in people, and in the explosion of the milk carton all are facets of the same definition, that is, destruction breeds movement, as is seen in each photograph either with the lens, or beyond the lens and into the story of the photograph. Wall’s photographs are narrative pieces that focus on the artist’s own personal narrative to his predecessor’s in art such as Caravaggio and Manet and hit tribute to them in his work reflecting their genius and taking their development of human form and space to the next level; to the level of including personal narrative with photographic art, thus truly standing on the shoulders’ of giants and reveling in a new dream and progression of art into this new century. Wall’s photographs are a timetable from the past and into the future. This theme of destruction, or eruption and focus on the human condition only propels these ideas forward in a classical backdrop of foreground and space with the radical movements of the punk era and the politics of race matched with the fluid form of shapes, emotions, and that narrative is the theme which ties it all together. Work Cited Deutsche Guggenheim. Jeff Wall. 2007. Online. Retrieved 14 November 2007. http://www. photography-now. com/artists/K08545. html Holmes, T. Jeff Wall. Photography Art Contemporary. 2006. Online. Retrieved 14 November 2007. http://www. photography-art
Monday, January 20, 2020
Walden Two Essay -- essays research papers
Book Title: Walden Two Author: B.F. Skinner Pages: 301 I. SETTING: A. Time: mid 1940’s (after the end of WWII) B. Place: Walden Two, R.D. I, Canton C. Detailed description of the opening scene: Rogers and Steve just returning from war, and looking for a new beginning read an article on a man named Frazier who was planning to begin an experimental utopian society. They immediately become intrigued by the idea. Their interest brought them to the office of Professor Burris, one their former teachers to ask if he knew anything about Frazier, or about the new society Frazier is trying to build. Burris remembers Frazier as a classmate at his graduate school; he recalls his extremist ideas and his dislike for the institution. He also recalls discussions the two had shared about this "Utopian society." Reluctantly Burris agrees to contact Frazier, and sends him a letter. Immediately and enthusiastically he replies inviting Burris’ and his friends to visit the new community he has developed. Burris meets with the two men to inform them of the invitation, and agrees to take time off, to accomp any Rogers and Steve on a visit to "Walden Two," Frazier’s community. Rodger’s girlfriend Barbara, Steve’s girlfriend Mary, and Burris's colleague Castle also accompany them on the visit. II. THEME: a one-sentence statement of the theme of your novel Walden Two was Skinner’s attempt to portray what would occur if behaviorism were used to curve our society, he depicted a solution to the problems of modern life that involved a new beginning, an flee from our current society, and a dismissal of our political and econo... ...cters visiting the Utopian society of Walden Two engage in an abundance of dialogue, in order to discover the spirit and the principles behind this new community of Walden Two. Set speeches by main characters illustrate the points that Skinner wishes to make to the reader. Don't get me wrong, the ideas are challenging and the reading is not painful; there is even some dramatic tension. The thought of a society like Walden Two is intriguing, and the detail used by Skinner gives the reader a clear picture of what this society may look like, and how it operates. Overall the book was good, it was an enjoyable read, and wasn’t like other novels, it was individual. I would recommend this book to anyone who is open- minded, and is intrigued by the operations and possibility of alternate societies. Walden Two Essay -- essays research papers Book Title: Walden Two Author: B.F. Skinner Pages: 301 I. SETTING: A. Time: mid 1940’s (after the end of WWII) B. Place: Walden Two, R.D. I, Canton C. Detailed description of the opening scene: Rogers and Steve just returning from war, and looking for a new beginning read an article on a man named Frazier who was planning to begin an experimental utopian society. They immediately become intrigued by the idea. Their interest brought them to the office of Professor Burris, one their former teachers to ask if he knew anything about Frazier, or about the new society Frazier is trying to build. Burris remembers Frazier as a classmate at his graduate school; he recalls his extremist ideas and his dislike for the institution. He also recalls discussions the two had shared about this "Utopian society." Reluctantly Burris agrees to contact Frazier, and sends him a letter. Immediately and enthusiastically he replies inviting Burris’ and his friends to visit the new community he has developed. Burris meets with the two men to inform them of the invitation, and agrees to take time off, to accomp any Rogers and Steve on a visit to "Walden Two," Frazier’s community. Rodger’s girlfriend Barbara, Steve’s girlfriend Mary, and Burris's colleague Castle also accompany them on the visit. II. THEME: a one-sentence statement of the theme of your novel Walden Two was Skinner’s attempt to portray what would occur if behaviorism were used to curve our society, he depicted a solution to the problems of modern life that involved a new beginning, an flee from our current society, and a dismissal of our political and econo... ...cters visiting the Utopian society of Walden Two engage in an abundance of dialogue, in order to discover the spirit and the principles behind this new community of Walden Two. Set speeches by main characters illustrate the points that Skinner wishes to make to the reader. Don't get me wrong, the ideas are challenging and the reading is not painful; there is even some dramatic tension. The thought of a society like Walden Two is intriguing, and the detail used by Skinner gives the reader a clear picture of what this society may look like, and how it operates. Overall the book was good, it was an enjoyable read, and wasn’t like other novels, it was individual. I would recommend this book to anyone who is open- minded, and is intrigued by the operations and possibility of alternate societies.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Sample Research Chapter
Background of the study Seafaring Is one of the most common profession in the Philippines. Working contractually for a number of months away from their love ones and experiencing the challenges of the corners for several days without seeing any landmarks are their sacrifices for monetary purposes. As a result, seafarers are prone to depression and anxiety. These cases are avoidable yet if not prevented and given much attention It might Jeopardize the safety of the crew working on board the vessel.Depression is a psychiatric disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite, feelings of extreme sadness, guilt, helplessness and hopelessness, and thoughts of death (http://www. Differentially. Com/depression). According to Jeanne Seal, Ph. D et. Al Lully 2013), a depressed person feels helpless and hopeless, loss of interest in daily activities, easily irritated, physically drained, concentration problems and in serious cases, may act recklessly.These acts will jeopardized the safety of other crew, the ship and the environment. Thus, this state should be cured and prevented. The Olio's Maritime Labor Convention (ML), 2006 provides comprehensive rights 1 OFF and protection at work tort the world's more than 1. 2 million starters. Convention aims to achieve both decent work for seafarers and secure economic interests in fair competition for quality ship-owners (http://www. Oil. Org/global/ standards/maritime-labor-convention/Lang–en/index. Tm). It has also a specific regulation regarding recreational facilities, Mail and Ship Visit Arrangement which will help lessen the effects of depression. This research study aims to determine the compliance of passenger ships berthing in port of Lillo on ML 2006 , Guideline 83. 1. 11 which is all about Recreational Facilities, Mail and Ship visit arrangement which will help to avoid mental and emotional stress and to build a safe operation on board.Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the compliance of selected passenger ships berthing in Lillo Domestic Port on ML 2006 Guideline, 83. 1. 11 (Recreational Facilities, mail and ship visit arrangement) Specifically, this study sought to answer the following question: 1) What is the percentage of compliance of the selected passenger ships berthing and ship visit arrangement)? 2) What is the percentage, from the selected Passenger ships, which fully comply on ML 2006 Guideline, 83. . 11 (Recreational Facilities, mail and ship visit arrangement) Significance of the Study The study aimed to determine the compliance of passenger ships berthing on Lillo Domestic Port as per ML Guidelines 83. 1. 11( Recreational Facilities, Mail and Ship Visit Arrangement). The result of the study would be beneficial to the following passenger ships. Through this study, they would be aware to comply with the Maritime Labor Convention 2006 requirement.The companies would be aware of the needed requirement for their ships with regar ds to the recreational, facilities, mail and ship visit arrangement as per the Maritime Labor Convention Standard. This would give them the assurance that the living of seafarers on board utilizing the recreational facilities equipped on board are as per the standard. Definition of Terms Compliance- is the act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen or to coercion. In this study, it refers to the compliance on ML 2006 Guidelines 83. . 11 (Recreational facilities, visit and ship visit arrangement) Passenger Ship – is a merchant ship whose primary function is to carry passenger, In this study, it refers to the selected watercraft's carrying passengers with 500 gross tonnage and above.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Reducing Recidivism And Substance Abuse - 3312 Words
In a fight to reduce overcrowding, improve public health and public safety, and reduce the costs of criminal justice and corrections, federal, state and local leaders are constantly looking for alternatives to incarceration. A number of strategies have been put in place to save public funds and improve public health by keeping low-risk, non-violent, possibly drug-involved offenders out of prison or jail while still holding them accountable and securing the safety of our comminutes. These programs have been put in place to help those who don’t necessarily need to be in jail, get their priorities straight while also holding them accountable for their actions. They have been put in place to help reduce incarceration rates, but also help those who may have mental health issues or substance abuse issues that have caused them to make bad decisions (Treatment Court Divisions). There are separate drug courts for adults and juveniles. An adult court is designed to reduce recidivis m and substance abuse among drug-involved offenders in the community. It also seeks to increase an offender’s success in recovery through continuous treatment, mandatory random drug testing, community supervision and use of other rehabilitation services. In juvenile treatment court, offenders meet frequently (often weekly) to determine how to address the substance abuse and other related problems of the youth and his or her family that brought him or her to the justice system (Treatment CourtShow MoreRelatedLong Term Effects Of Reentry Programs On Reducing Juvenile Recidivism Essay943 Words  | 4 Pages Long-term Effects of Reentry Programs On                                           Reducing Juvenile Recidivism                           By: Tiffany Gilliam La Salle University PHLT 752: Capstone I Introduction Nearly, 5% of the world s population is represented by the United who possesses 25% of the world s prisoners (Liptak, 2008). 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