Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Glass Menageire essays
The Glass Menageire essays Biographical or Career Notes- For this drama, Tennessee Williams drew heavily upon his own family experiences, describing the lives of his mother, his sister, and himself. Williams father was a traveling shoe-salesman who spent little time at home and for the first few years of Williamss life, his mother and him lived with his mothers father. Tennessee Williams had few friends and his mother and father quarreled incessantly. Williams worked in a shoe factory, which he called a living death. Important Stage Directions or Background Descriptions of the Scene or Characters- The stage directions were a necessity to the play. If you did not read the stage directions, you would miss parts of what was going on. The stage directions also took care of describing how the characters felt and what their actions and reactions were. The stage directions also told where the characters were and what they were doing. Having stage directions made the theme and direction of the play more vivid and clearer to understand. The choice of characters was perfect for this play because their personalities fit well together to describe the theme of the play. 5. Identify, Summarize, and Analyze- Scene 1- Scene one involved introducing the characters in this play. It also provided the reader or audience with a feel for what exactly the characters of this play were really like. It is important to introduce the characters in the beginning of the play so the reader is able to relate to the characters all through the drama. This scene involved Amanda (the mother) talking to Laura about finding a gentleman and how she had so many gentlemen callers when she was her age. Scene 2- Scene two described how Laura (daughter) dropped out of business class and really wasnt involved in anything now. Amanda was not pleased with this at all. This scene also told how Laura only ever liked one boy Jim, someone she knew...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Khajuraho temples Essays
The Khajuraho temples Essays The Khajuraho temples Essay The Khajuraho temples Essay Executive Summary India is celebrated for its great ethnicity and diverseness among the civilizations and these two chief elements reflect in the degree of touristry development in any part of the state. Apparently this has led the authorities and other several governments of touristry to name out the importance of heritage touristry in this twenty-first century. This study is based on the issues and impacts of touristry in Khajuraho, a UNESCO listed universe heritage site, celebrated for its alien graven temples. Khajuraho is a located in a cardinal province of India, and one of the oldest heritage sites in the universe. The temples were built a thousand old ages ago and still they stand dazing with all the ancient glorification. The touristry development in the country has changed many characteristics of the finish and there has been some issues sing the degree of touristry. The topographic point was found merely in the early decennaries of twentieth century and even from that clip Khajuraho still took so many decennaries to be printed in the universe celebrated heritage sites. The basic purpose of this study is to place the touristry developments and impacts of touristry in the selected touristry site and it is structured by get downing with a concise glance about the finish and followed by explicating the touristry developments in the country, discoursing the influences of touristry and its impacts among locals and suggestions to better the pattern of touristry followed by a decision which will sum up the overall study and research conducted. Background of the survey India is a big state with immense figure of population and great Numberss of both cultural and heritage musca volitanss. This exclusivity has made the county, a universe celebrated touristry finish in the planetary touristry map and regarded as a state, celebrated for its great cultural diverseness. Many of these heritage sites are secured by UNESCO- and are still endeavoring to happen a topographic point in their finish list. Ethnicity and diverseness are the two chief cardinal elements of Indian cultural Heritage touristry, and it is truly hard to concentrate on the whole state s touristry development and the impacts being confronting presently. To understand the effects of touristry on civilization, environment and economic system it was hence, I decided that this survey should look farther deep into the bosom of the state s heritage musca volitanss which are normally unknown for its ain patriots but comparatively known by other parts of the universe. Khajuraho, a universe heritage touristry site in the Central Indian State of Madhya Pradesh was chosen and examined to joint the nature and dimensions of some of the common issues from the impacts of local and international touristry. The survey stuffs used chiefly are dependable beginnings from the cyberspace and besides referred to the theories used in the touristry industry by associating to some of the instance surveies conducted in the subjected finish. Furthermore some parts of the study will be reflecting from my personal experience in the finish. The facts and figures received from the Indian authorities touristry web site back up and gives an overall glance of the importance of international touristry happening in that topographic point. Khajuraho: A mirror of Indian Heritage Khajuraho, a Central Indian State of Madhya Pradesh is universe celebrated for its UNESCO recognized heritage sites and patterns great heritage touristry. The site is good known for its imposing temples by reflecting the beauty of antique sculptures and constructions carved in immense individual sand rocks ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) .These temples, mirroring the sensuous images of both work forces and adult females besides lead to cast some visible radiations on the medieval Hindu and Jain civilizations The history of temples in Khajuraho small town is believed to be dated back to a thousand old ages ago, erected by the great Chandela Rajput Dynasty of Central India, by taking a century to construct more than 85 glorious temples with richly carved alone and brilliant sculptures. ( Gill, 2008 ) .During the depredation of clip merely 22 are managed to last and they stand still naming out the glorification of mediaeval architectural Masterss. Some of the temples are sculptured with luring titillating constructions stand foring the Tantric Vedas which the people in the small town used to pattern. The other Tourism activities include Khajuraho Dance Festival, organized every twelvemonth in the month of February or March for one hebdomad and the Daily Sound A ; Light Show ( ( Khajuraho, n.d. ) . Table-1 shows some general Information about Khajuraho ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Degree of touristry development Ever since the airdrome is opened, a day-to-day flight operated from Delhi, the capital metropolis of India connected Khajuraho with some other celebrated finishs. These made the visitants to make at that place without any incommodiousness and besides the land transit installations improved, while linking to nearby of import towns and railroad station by running daily trips to Khajuraho. The chief important alterations in the degree of touristry happened was the creative activity of a Master Plan to steer the growing of Khajuraho and the establishment of the Khajuraho Dance Festival, a successful event that has, to some extent given Khajuraho a classical image ( Menon,1993 ) . What was Khajuraho before Khajuraho or the ancient name Khajurapura is believed to be derived from the word Khajurvahila intending the garden of day of the months surrounded the small town at that clip ( Krishnamurthy, 1996 ) . Deserted after the fourteenth century, the country was wholly unknown to outside universe until it was discovered by a immature British Army officer T.S. Burt in 1838 ( Menon, 1993 ) . Harmonizing the Ministry of Tourism, ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) after the bend down of the Chandela dynasty in the thirteenth century, the temples were hidden from outside universe by dense woods and shrubs about. Cipher knew the prototype of Indian Architecture was decreasing lingering in the violent disorder of clip. Many of the constructions were destroyed by conditions, the inanition and laxness of environing universe. But this concealed individuality must hold saved the staying temples from the early Muslim invasions in the yesteryear ( Hegewald A ; Mitra, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Menon ( 1993 ) the temples were unknown to the universe until 1950 s and it was merely the foreign journalists and lensmans who published the exposure to the unfastened universe. The topographic point was opened to the tourers merely a few decennaries after the Independence of India from British in 1947 after constructing adequate installations for transit to acquire at that place. Changes after the touristry developments Today, Khajuraho is a flourishing tourer topographic point for both domestic and international travellers. The substructure is modified significantly by the authorities to the demands of thirsting travellers, as the old ages base on balls by. Harmonizing to ( UNESCO, 2005 ) few modest hotels were built in the early 1960ss to pull aliens and domestic tourers and the figure of people coming to see Khajuraho has changed dramatically of all time since the airdrome was built as the surface transit was non convenient plenty. The draft Development Plan produced by Indian Government in 1975 is besides guided consequent development of the country ( Menon, 1993 ) . Now the old small town of Khajuraho is changed perfectly into a topographic point with a figure of 8 star hotels including 2 five star ironss attached hotels and other budgeted hotels besides, in an country of merely few kilometres ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) equipped wi th efficient roads entree, other transit and adjustment installations. Subsequently countries around Khajuraho have besides flourished and harvested the benefits from these touristry developments. Tourist profile There have been a batch of alterations happened during the last few decennaries and this has led to hold a important alteration in the demographics of travellers geting in Khajuraho. Menon ( 1993 ) stated that a few decennaries back, the foreign tourers sing Khajuraho comprised 3.3 % of entire figure of visitants to India and most of the tourers were independent and included in low budget class, half of the group tourers who visited India visited Khajuraho besides . The statistics published by the authorities a few old ages back, shows the enormous hiking in the figure of tourers visited the finish and it gives a limpid thought about the enlargement of the Khajuraho touristry programs ( Menon, 1993 ) The figure of people visited in the early 80 s were higher than in early 90 s in the domestic travellers as it is believed to be the ground of political instability at that clip. But the figure of foreign travellers remained changeless between these periods. Table 2 shows that entire Numberss of tourers in 1985-1986 were about 203,646, but in the early 90 s it was decreased to 151,350. ( Appendix I-IV ) There is a important per centum of addition in the figure of foreign visitants to Khajuraho in the current decennary about double the Numberss in old decennaries while the figure of domestic tourers remained changeless seemingly. This increasing figure of tourers chiefly depends on the degree of publicities of the finish or and the transit installations. Driving force It is non merely merely some sandstone structures to see in Khajuraho, but it is the picturesque word picture of mediaeval being of small town people ruled under the great Chandela male monarchs portrayed by the master of rock architecture about a millenary ago. It is the thrusting force of quaint beauty to take the travellers to Khajuraho from around the universe. The chief motive of going to Khajuraho is the luster of these sculptures in the temples. The authorities touristry board and other touristry bureaus have recognized the demand for touristry in the part and offer assorted touristry bundles including the nearby metropoliss of Khajuraho. It is another value added benefit for the travellers and a motivation to see Khajuraho. Although it is an icon of Heritage Tourism, the titillating sculptures, exemplifying the tantric humanistic disciplines in the sandstones attract many of the tourers from around the universe. Rise in the economy- A positive impact Though there are many identified impacts of touristry in Khajuraho, the most important one is the rise in the entire economic system, as the degree of touristry in the finish parts a major portion in the entire figure of foreign tourer flow into the state ( Appendix V ) As a consequence of touristry development plans which finally offered more than 3,000 occupation offers to the local community made the position of life style to travel up resourcefully as there was important growing in instruction and wellness attention systems. The other noticed consequences are in the local handcraft industry and the offering of big graduated table indirect employment in other sectors particularly in the agriculture ( UNESCO, 2005 ) . The development of touristry in the part have besides reduced the degree of poorness than the adjacent small towns as this mass touristry has helped the local people to indulge in increasing their personal income through assorted touristry activities. All those betterments in the public public-service corporation substructures and conveyance substructures in Khajuraho show the positive economical impacts and it has been forecasted to do a dramatic alteration in the future figure of tourers ( In 2015, anticipating 1,00,965 domestic to urers and 8,59,701 foreign tourers with a entire figure of 19,60,666 ) Appendix-VI Negative economic impact The degree of touristry has made some negative impacts in the local economic system to a certain degree, particularly the development plans by the authorities which brought many foreigners into the small town economic system. Alternatively of utilizing the natural resources, things are being imported from outside by the migrators. Most of the imported goods are manipulated as local art work and being sold to the tourers which is a escape in the integrating of locals and the authorities systems ( Menon, 1993 ) . Furthermore, the rising prices has increased due to the less supply for the high demand for local points caused by the touristry development plan. Harmonizing to Menon, ( 1993, p.37 ) a local usher explains that 20 old ages ago people were friendlier and shut together: touristry, he said, has made the people money-minded . Positive Environmental impact The natural state shrouded temples are titivated by the authorities by the degree of touristry in Khajuraho. Harmonizing to UNESCO, ( 2005 ) the topographic point is now equipped with complete substructure including transit, electricity, H2O supply, hotels and infirmaries. The temples are now protected by the Indian Central Government with the aid of archaeological and touristry sections to continue the Indian heritage, as they are wall protected by the security systems in order to avoid interlopers and hooliganisms. Now the temples are surrounded by gardens which are non genuinely, a portion of original temple designs, to heighten the beauty of temple premises. Apart from that, a cardinal museum is located in the small town to maintain the valuable broken parts from the temples and demo instance the antediluvian graphics to the visitants and the digging countries are restricted for public.One can clearly see that the old sleepy image of Khajuraho is wholly changed by the alterations happened in the environment due to the touristry ( Menon, 1993 ) . Negative Environmental impact Due to the features of the finish, Khajuraho poses really less damaging consequence on the physical environment as the tourers who visit are peculiar nature of excursionist activity and their primary purpose is merely to see the sculptures in the temples ( Menon, 1993 ) . Thus rate of losing the natural resources will be really less in the part comparing some other tourer finishs, nevertheless the mass sum of tourer flow into Khajuraho must hold changed the environment negatively due to the air pollution and solid wastes disposal. Furthermore the devastation of alone vegetations and zoologies in the country, due to the digging work go oning nearby the temples reduced the wild life in the encompassing part. The other considerable negative impacts are the air pollution caused by the aircrafts winging. A survey conducted by Indian cardinal archeological section found out that aircrafts winging over the temples produce a certain degree of quivers which could damage ancient memorials ( Ar chaeological Survey of India, n.d ) Harmonizing to a monthly societal consciousness magazine ( Khajuraho Special, 2004 ) land pollution and air pollution are some of the major environmental issues in Khajuraho faced by touristry. None of the hotels in Khajuraho have proper waste direction system or recycling system which persuade them to litter openly and so make the tourers, particularly the canned nutrients and other disposable points. In the same manner, increasing figure in touristry has caused the same figure in vehicles for transit which pollutes the air by breathing unsafe gases and doing to alter the atmospheric temperature. The concluding idea is about the shrinkage of H2O organic structures in the country, where the improper land use reduced the natural H2O resources drastically. Positive socio-cultural impact The life style in Khajuraho is being affected by touristry activities as a natural effect of socio-cultural impact. Peoples have been more cognizant of the touristry demands and other civilizations, to mix with other nationalities cleanly. The dance festivals and other cultural activities unite the local community and besides portray the true image of Khajuraho to tourers. It has been proved that there has nt been any ailment of sexual torment or harlotry, which shows that the local community is more antiphonal about societal norms ( Menon, 1993 ) and some of the local people have managed to do matrimony relationship with aliens. After all, some of the local community still indulge in their day-to-day supplications and travel to the temples for idolizing which point towards the painstaking touristry in the country. Negative socio-cultural impact The migration and colony of foreigners have changed Khajuraho societal and cultural environment, as now the local populations is dwelling of assorted cultural groups who drifted to do concern via touristry. The local linguistic communication spoken is really less in Khajuraho as bulk of people populating in Khajuraho are nonnative. From my personal experience in Khajuraho, what I could see chiefly was the kids and immature people are following the way of touristry to do money easy instead than traveling to schools and colleges. Most of them are grabbed by travel agents to go ushers and receive committee from them. Ultimately touristry has brought in these multi cultural societies who sell the true art for money into Khajuraho and interrupt the unity of local civilization. Recommendations and concluding ideas The promotional stuff and the information available to the tourers, cut down Khajuraho to a single-issue finish Menon ( 1993 ) . This image of Khajuraho is more likely a individual point finish where the touristry is merely focused on the animal sculptures in the temples. Alternatively of publicising the true illustration, the tourers are falsified by the travel agent Mafias which make them to take pleasance in the titillating portion of the heritage art worked temples alternatively of understanding the true rules of an ancient civilisation existed at that place. Hence the authorities should be more responsible to halt these deceptive by set uping illustrations such as supplying proper touristry selling runs, consciousness seminars and cultured steering system. Alternatively of concentrating merely on the temples, touristry board should take manus in developing the locality and adjacent vicinity as they are still under poorness and the wildlife around Khajuraho still remains unguar ded though it is reserved. Over the past old ages Asiatic states have on looked unbelievable societal, cultural, political and technological alterations ( Pandey, Chettri, Kunwar and Ghimire, 1995 ) .These important alterations have been received by the far-fetched development of touristry in the subjected states. Despite the fact that touristry fosters the national economic system to a certain extent, it has definite impacts on state s edifying ethnicity and bequest while go forthing the natural ownerships to an economic point of trade for income. Harmonizing to Bandyopadhyay, Morais, Chick ( 2008, p.791 ) , Tourism is non merely an sum of simply commercial activities ; it is besides an ideological framing of history, nature and tradition ; a framing that has the power to reshape civilization and nature to its ain demands. It is evident from this study that, these factors have surely affected either positively or negatively on the values of economic, environmental and socio cultural in Khajuraho. The concl uding say is touristry in Khajuraho has fostered over the old ages and it has changed many factors, it is the duty of each and every individual tourer who comes to see Khajuraho to pattern responsible touristry while mesmerized by the prehistoric sandstone sunglassess of ancient humanistic disciplines. Mentions Archaeological Survey of India. ( n.d ) . Periodic Reporting Exercise on the Application of the World Heritage Convention Section II: State of preservation of specific World Heritage belongingss. Retrieved March 27, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Bandyopadhyay, R. , Morais, D. , A ; Chick, G. ( 2008 ) . Religion and individuality in Indi s heritage touristry. Annalss of Tourism Research, 35 ( 3 ) , 790-808. Retrieved March 27, 2010, from the Sciencedirect database. Hegewald, J. , A ; Mitra, S. ( 2008 ) . Jagannatha Compared: The political relations of appropriation, re-use and regional traditions in India ( Working Paper No. 36 ) , South Asia Institute at the University of Heidelberg. Retrieved March 28, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Khajuraho Special. ( 2004, January ) . Monthly societal consciousness magazine. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Krishnamurthy, K. ( 1994 ) . A botanical history of Valmiki s pankavati. Indian Journal of History of Science, 31 ( 2 ) , 26. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Gill, C. ( 2008 ) . A Comparative Analysis of the Temples of Khajuraho and the Ruling Chandellas of India. Unpublished senior thesis. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. USA Menon, K. ( 1993 ) . Case Study on the Effectss of Tourism on Culture and the Environment: India ; Jaisalmer, Khajuraho and Goa. RACAP Series on Culture and Tourism in Asia, 1, 99. Retrieved April 2, 2010, from the UNESCO database. Pandey, R. , Chetri, P. , Kunwar, R. , A ; Ghimire, G. ( 1995 ) . RACAP Series on Culture and Tourism in Asia. Case survey on the effects of touristry on civilization and the environment, 4, 66. Retrieved March 25, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // UNESCO informations. ( 2005, November 21 ) . Major issues in touristry development in the Asiatic and Pacific part: Enhancing the function of touristry in socio-economic development and poorness decrease. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Images Khajuraho temple. Retrieved March 25, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Map of India. Retrieved March 25, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Pic1- Khajuraho temple. Retrieved March 28, 2010from hypertext transfer protocol: // A ; t/m.p/kha/800px-Khajuraho-Lakshmana_temple % 5B1 % 5D.jpg Pic2- Location.Retrieved March 28, 2010from hypertext transfer protocol: // Pic3- Sculptures. Retrieved March 30, 2010from hypertext transfer protocol: // Khajuraho5.jpg Appendixs Appendix I- India Tourism Statistics 2006. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Appendix II India Tourism Statistics 2006. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Appendix III- Hotel Categories in India. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Appendix IV- India Tourism Statistics 2006. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Appendix V- Tourist Inflow. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Appendix VI- Forecasted Tourist reaching in 2015 ( Assessment of demand of Hotel Room / Accommodation in Metro Cities 13and 50 major Tourist Centers in India. Retrieved from Ministry of Tourism, hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20- % 202008.pdf
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Impact of Income and Social Status on Health Essay
Impact of Income and Social Status on Health - Essay Example Studies have shown that there are no clear lines in the operation of these variables because they cut across certain universal truths. For instance, lifestyle diseases have demonstrated prevalence across the income and age divides in recent times (Skolnik, 2008; Mirowsky & Ross, 2003). Therefore, the effect of income and social status on health should be determined from an aggregate of factors that work in the modern society. Income and Social Status Health is significantly reliant on the variables of income and social status. Naturally, high-income status and socio-economic status play a positive role on matters of health. Individuals and groups placed at higher income levels and socioeconomic status have a wider choice when it comes to matters of health (Mirowsky & Ross, 2003). On the other hand, individuals with low-income levels and socioeconomic status could be more vulnerable to some of the common challenges that attend to the subject of health. Similarly, richer countries that manifest high levels of per-capita income are more likely to engage health challenges than poor countries. However, a range of studies has reinforced the fact that populations in both rich and poor countries are not homogenous (Riegelman, 2009). Categories within these populations will manifest different levels of capacities to engage with health challenges. As a result, it becomes necessary to determine the kind of issues that affect various sections of populations basing purely on the variable of income and social status.... The United States is one of the countries that has appreciated the challenges brought about by inequalities in income and social status in relation to matters of healthcare. The United States has developed legal structures to ensure some form of parity in healthcare provision across the income divide (Levine, 2009). The American Healthcare Bill otherwise known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act was aimed towards addressing the income and social status components of health care. The merits of this bill are anchored in its vigorous advocacy of affordable healthcare for all American citizens. Deliberate restructuring in the sector have been made so that the burden of the cost of medication might shift more on collective taxation, the state and insurance firms rather than on individuals (Levine, 2009). The Health Care Bill proposes a number of safeguards that are meant to shield the citizenry from the unsteady costs of medical care. The bill sought to restore stabil ity and predictability in the expenditure on medical care. The primary concern was that a revised form of insurance systems would distribute the costs of medical care equally across various statuses, and other social stratifications. Towards this objective, the bill provided that people who earned more should be made to incur more in medical care than those who earned less. Another important safeguard of this bill was that it would no longer be possible for insurance firms to abandon their clients who became ill. This particular measure was aimed to arrest a sweeping trend where insurance firms deregister clients who are taken ill. For medical professionals this bill means
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Descartes' and Kants Approaches to God Term Paper
Descartes' and Kants Approaches to God - Term Paper Example To begin with, one should state the claims which were made by Descartes since the ideas of Kant primarily reject them. Thus, the former developed the so called ontological argument for existence of God: Descartes based his proof on the concept that God is the most perfect creature and, since existence is a part of perfection, He ought to exist (Cahoone 45). One would make no mistake, pointing out that this approach is a rather short one and features fine logic at first sight. Indeed, Descartes takes one premise that both people who believe in God and those who do not believe in God would not reject, namely that He is the most perfect creature. In other words, he is able to appeal to the common ground of the people when they perceive the higher power without connection to any dogmatic principles. Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to point out that the idea of God or any deities might have emerged as the opposition to the corrupted material world; so, the metaphysical world as we ll as its inhabitants is largely thought to be free of vices. That is why the ontological argument which was presented by Descartes makes sense to a certain extent.However, the criticism which was developed by Kant latter makes even more sense. Thus, for this German philosopher, the argument that was presented by Descartes possesses one important flaw which destroys the whole integrity of it: according to the logic of the claim, existence is inseparably connected to the object of idea. That is why the perfection or greatness of idea might be modified by the fact whether it exists or not
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Culture and Care Value Base Essay Example for Free
Culture and Care Value Base Essay In this assignment I am going to examine and explain my own personal values and principles influence my own work in professional practice. I will compare my principles and values with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council codes of practice and the Care Value Base. The NISCC and the Care Value Base have many similar codes of practice which all health and social care practitioners should adhere by and work with. The values I feel that are relevant within my experience of healthcare and within my current placement are confidentiality, dignity and respect, effective communication, anti-discriminatory practice and culture and beliefs. In researching NISCC codes of practice and the Care Value Base, I have found that their values are also similar to my own values within my care practice. The first value I am going to discuss is confidentiality. According to the Care Value Base maintaining confidentiality of information is an important part of caring. Any information clients give is private and confidential. Individuals need to be aware of what they say to other carers and clients and also who have access to client files. Previously undergoing work experience in the stroke ward I found that all patients’ medical information is on a clipboard on the front of their bed, anyone could read this information, I feel the patient’s confidentiality is being breached. During my work placement at Ceara School, I observed that each pupil has individual care folders within school; these are kept in a secure filling cabinet and only the members of staff who are looking after a particular pupil is allowed access, I feel this is very good practice to uphold confidentiality. Within my placement I feel my values would be similar to the Care Value base, if a service user informed me of private information I would keep it to myself to build trust and confidence unless the individual or others were at harm. The second value that I feel is most important and relevant to my experience and work placement is effective communication. According to NISCC, one of their codes of practice is to communication in an appropriate, open, accurate and straightforward way. Within my work placement you have to have recognition and respect of the pupil’s opinions and ideas so they gain confidence within you and be more comfortable to talk. You also have to talk respectfully and use a lot of humor and creativity to keep them interested. On a regular basis there are group conversations and also one to one conversations, simple language is used that is easily understood and additionally open questions are applied to develop the conversation. With having previous work experience in Craigavon Area Hospital I have learnt the importance of communication. Many doctors used jargonistic terms, which can be very hard for patients to understand, I consider this to be ineffective communication. I feel my values are comparable to those of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council. I think that my value of communication within my work placement will come across positively. While in placement I make the speaker feel heard and understood, I make sure to create an environment where pupils feel safe to express ideas opinions and feelings. I keep suitable eye contact and show interest in what is being said and sure my posture is open and inviting. The Care Value Base deems that it is important to acknowledge an individuals personal beliefs and identity. The NISCC feel that respective diversity and different cultures and values are very significant and can have extensive affects on a persons care. I went to an integrated secondary school with many cultures and religions. I took part in a multi-cultural day in school, I got to see other communities and cultures and what they believed in, this widened my views and changed my opinions of different religions. While in Craigavon Area Hospital completing work experience I learned that meals and meal times were very important in some religions and culture. Some individuals were vegetarian; I had to be very respectable of their culture and identity. They were supplied with a different menu with different foods that they could choose this promotes the right of choice and independence. Before my work placement commenced I hoped that the employees and pupils had the same value as myself in consideration of different cultures and are open to express their beliefs and identity and be proud of who they are. My next value is extremely important in my care practice and that is upheld by NISCC and the Care Value Base is anti-discriminatory practice. Anti-discriminatory practice is action to prevent discrimination against people on the grounds of race, class, gender and disability. Anti-discriminatory practice promotes equality by introducing anti-discriminatory policies in different situations of work. The Care Value Base describes one of their values by promoting anti-discriminatory practice and to protect the individual from abuse. There are many pieces of legislation that are in place to protect individuals from discrimination including the Disability Act 1995, Human Rights Act, Equality Act 2010 and the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995. In my work placement I will work in an anti-discriminatory way, I will not discriminate or judge the service users on their gender, race, class or disability. I believe everyone is different and we all have rights set in place to prevent us from being discriminated against. While undertaking work experience in Craigavon Area Hospital, disabled individuals were protected from discriminatory practice, there were lifts and ramps so all wheel chairs could access the building. There were wide and automatic doors so wheel chairs could get through them with no difficulty, although I feel this is very good practice there was also bad practice within the hospital. I consider individuals with different religions and languages were discriminated against. There were no interpreters for different languages therefore the patients didn’t know what had happened or what was about to happen. I feel my values hinder those of the Care Value Base and I imagine my values will come across positively within my work placement. I feel my personal culture and experience has influenced me in many different ways in supporting users of services and others in health and social care settings. My parents have taught me from a young age to say please and thank you and to be respectful to others. I have grown up knowing these simple values and therefore it has influenced me to show dignity and respect to all service users. Although I am of a Catholic background and practice the Catholic faith, I went to an integrated primary school and secondary school with many different religions and cultures. I now have an understanding of other cultures within health and socials care settings and I am able to accept other religions and their beliefs. I believe this have had a positive influence on my personal culture and experience. When I was in primary school, I met my best friend, he was homosexual. My parents were quite weary of this as they didn’t like the way he dressed and acted. They came to the terms of his sexual orientation and accepted him; because I have had the privilege of meeting him it has allowed me to open my eyes to all sexual ordinations. When working and supporting users of health and social care service I wouldn’t mind what sexual ordination the service user was, I would not discriminate against them. I would promote and uphold my values to protect them from harm. From experience I know many people have been discriminated on because of their gender. Some individuals will not be chosen for a particular job because they are male/female. Service users are also judged on their sexual ordinations, recently in the news according to Poots, Northern Irelands Health Minister he said that all gay men are not allowed to give blood. I feel this sexual ordination is being discriminated against, it is very bad practice and defeats the purpose of legislation created to protect individuals from this happening. I will promote and uphold my values to protect individuals from being discriminated against. I think a pedophile and a murder would cause a barrier in the care setting I am working in. I have grown up knowing that they are bad from family, friends and the media. This may affect and hinder my work but as I am now aware of this negative point I need to work on this barrier. I can not make an assumption until I work and understand them, until then, I will try not to judge this group. New developments and changes to personal values can have a major impact on working in the Health and Social Care sector. Firstly a new development of mine is starting a new course; I have met new people and got to know them. Working in different practices can impact work in a care setting, partnership can be developed and new skills can be gained. I have started a new placement in Ceara School, I am very excited to see if it is the right area of health and social care I want to do further studying in. I feel this experience can be very education and rewarding. This experience will help me in my future and will give me a good start. I can now see that it is the first time I have looking at my values thoroughly and reflected on them, I will challenge my values to become a better professional. I feel guest speakers were a new development of mine, they give me an insight into their organisation, and they also give me information on how I could get work experience. New developments and changes to my personal values can benefit the service user. I could reflect more in action rather than later, use communication more effectively and user my initiative in different situations. To conclude I believe that personal values is very significant in influencing my own work in the health and social care sector. I have found that my values are similar to the values of the Care Value Base and the Northern Ireland Social Care Council. I have found that there is legislation to protect individuals from unconfidentiality and anti-discriminatory practice also to promote dignity and respect, effective communication and culture and beliefs. I have also explored my new developments and what changes I could make to my personal values to create more effective and efficient care.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Macbeth: Macbeth - A Tragic Hero :: essays research papers
Macbeth: Macbeth - A Tragic Hero "(Sometimes a tragic hero is created, not through his own villainy), but rather through some flaw in him, he being one of those who are in high station and good fortune, like Oedipus and Thyestes and the famous men of such families as those." (Poetics, Aristotle). Every great tragedy is dominated by a protagonist who has within himself a tragic flaw, too much or too little of one of Aristotle's twelve virtues. In Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth, a great Scottish general and thane of Glamis, has just won an important battle, when he is told by three witches that he will become thane of Cawdor and then king of Scotland. After Macbeth is given Cawdor by King Duncan, he takes the witches words for truth and conspires against Duncan with his wife. When Duncan comes to Macbeth's castle that night, Macbeth kills him and takes the crown for himself after Duncan's sons flee from Scotland. Then Macbeth reigns for a while, has several people killed, and is eventually slain by Macduff when he and Malcolm return leading the armies of England. Often people read the play and automatically conclude that Macbeth's tragic flaw is his ambition; that he is compelled to commit so many acts of violence by his lust for power. However, by carefully examining the first act, one can determine the defect in Macbeth's character that creates his ambition; his true tragic flaw. Macbeth's tragic flaw is not his ambition as most people believe, but rather his trust in the words of the witches and in his wife's decisions. At the beginning of the play Macbeth has no designs on the throne, and he does not start plotting until his wife comes up with a plan. When first faced with the witches' words, Macbeth expresses astonishment and disbelief rather than welcoming them when he says, " be King stands not within the prospect of belief, no more than to be Cawdor...."(1.3.73-75). When confronted with the witches' proclamation that he is to be king, Macbeth responds as a loyal subject would; not as a man with secret aspirations in his heart. He has no reason to hide his true feelings at this point so therefore it can be assumed that Macbeth has not yet truly considered killing the king. Even after the first of the witches' predictions comes true, Macbeth does not plot against the king but instead decides to leave it to chance. "(Aside) If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me, Without my stir."(1.3.143-144). Macbeth has already been granted the title of thane of Cawdor, but still he
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sample questions and Exam
Sample questions Note: The purpose for providing sample questions is to show the format of questions that will be given in the midterm exam. The midterm exam will have more of both true false questions and short answer problems than those presented here. For more short answer problem types please look at the exercises sets. True-false questions: T Consider the two statements: I. X is an inferior good. II. X exhibits Giffen’s Paradox. The following is true: II implies I, but I does not necessarily imply II. F T F Suppose that at current consumption levels an individual’s marginal utility of consuming an extra hot dog is 10 whereas the marginal utility of consuming an extra soft drink is 2. Then the MRS (of soft drinks for hot dogs)â€â€that is, the number of hot dogs the individual is willing to give up to get one more soft drink is 1/5. If the price of X falls, the budget constraint shifts inward in a parallel fashion. T F T F Suppose a cup of coffee at the campus coffee shop is $2. 50 and a cup of hot tea is $1. 25. Suppose a student’s beverage budget is $20 per week. The algebraic expression represents the budget constraint. Suppose a cup of coffee at the campus coffee shop is $2. 50 and a cup of hot tea is $1. 25. Suppose a student’s beverage budget is $20 per week. Suppose the student simply prefers more caffeine to less and that the tea sold has exactly one-third the caffeine as the coffee. The student will buy a mix of coffee and tea. T F (The student will buy only coffee) T F In economic theory, the demand for a good must depend only on income and its own price and not on the prices of other goods. T F If two goods are substitutes, then an increase in the price of one of them will increase the demand for the other. 1 T F If consumers spend all of their income, it is impossible for all goods to be inferior goods. A good is a luxury good if the income elasticity of demand for it is greater than 1. A rational consumer spends her entire income. If her income doubles and prices do not change, then she will necessarily choose to consume twice as much of every good as she did before. A consumer has the utility function U(x; y) = min(x,2y) If the price of good x is zero and the price of good y is p; then the consumer's demand function for good y is m/2p. Suppose a teenager likes both rap music (R) and country music (C) with a set of preferences so that U = C1/2R1/2. Point (C, R)=(100, 1) makes the teen the happier than point (C, R)=(25, 25). If a person’s indifference curves can be represented as a straight line, the person views the goods as complements (but not perfect). T T F F T F T F T F Short answer problems 1. Walt consumes strawberries and cream but only in the fixed ratio of three boxes of strawberries to two cartons of cream. At any other ratio, the excess goods are totally useless to him. The cost of a box of strawberries is 10 and the cost of a carton of cream is 10. Walt's income is 200. How many boxes of strawberries does Walt demand? Ans: Walt demands 12 boxes of strawberries. (NOTE that the utility function is U=min{2x,3y}) 2. Fanny consumes only grapefruits and grapes. Her utility function is U(x; y) = x3y6; where x is the number of grapefruits consumed and y is the number of grapes consumed. Fanny's income is 48, and the prices of grapefruits and grapes are 1 and 3, respectively. How many grapefruits will she consume? Ans: 16 3. Katie Kwasi's utility function is U(x1; x2) = 2(ln x1)+ x2. Given her current income and the current relative prices, she consumes 5 units of x1 and 20 units of x2. If her income 2 doubles, while prices stay constant, how many units of x1 will she consume after the change in income? Ans: 5 3. Suppose a new healthcare initiative for the working poor will be paid for with a reduction to the earned income tax credit. Suppose the average working poor family has income of $12,000 from work and an additional $4000 from the EITC. If there are two goods, H (healthcare) and C (all other consumption), what will be the equation for a budget line with the EITC? (Let prices of all goods and healthcare be normalized to 1). Ans: C = $16,000 – H 4. Suppose a teenager has $20 and likes both rap music (R) and country music (C) with a set of preferences so that U = C1/2R1/2. Suppose that the iTunes price of a rap music song is and the price of a country music song is . What is the greatest level of affordable utility? Ans: v50 3
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Behavioral And Social Learning Approaches Personality Assessment
Personality can be defined as a hypothetical concept that constitute those relatively stable and enduring aspects of an individual which distinguishes them from other people making them unique, but which at the same time permit a comparison between individual. There are various approaches that conceptualize personality. These are; the psychoanalytic perspective, the trait theory, behaviorist (learning) theory, humanistic theories cognitive and biological approaches. This paper however will explore the behavioral and social learning theory approaches to personality.The focus will be in comparing and contrasting them and relating them to a personal personality disorder. The social learning theory is an approach that argues that we learn through imitation, modeling, and observation of other people behavior. If we observe a good behavior from other people, we are likely to behave well but if we observe bad behavior from them we behave badly. Albert Bandura is considered a major proponent of this theory. This approach also considers the environmental factors claiming they reinforce modeling.An individual can be reinforced directly by a model for example; a student can dress like other to fit in their group. A third person can also reinforce modeling. for example; a teacher may praise a certain student making the others to model him. It is also possible to imitate the behavior itself. For example; a student may play football during his leisure time influencing another to model the behavior. Social learning theory argues that reinforcement and punishment are necessary in learning. They influence the level at which a person demonstrates a learnt behavior. They argue that moral judgment concerning the right or wrong is modeled.Bandura outlined from major condition for modeling to occur; paying attention, remembering, ability to replicate, and motivation. Modeling leads to acquisition of new behavior, affects the frequency of embarking a learner behavior, encourages a fo rbidden behavior and increases the frequency of a similar behavior. They emphasize of self regulation in personality development. For example; setting own goals, self observation, self judgment and self reaction (Ormrod, J. E1999) The behavioral approach in personality assessment argues that personality can be acquired through observation.It put the environment accountable to personality difference among people. It assumes that we can understand other people by observing how they behave. It also argues that a response to certain stimuli molds behavior. Learning can occur though conditioning in both human and non human animals. It also assumes that all human are equal at birth. We are born a tabula rasa – empty slit – as we grow, the environmental factors molds our personality. Proponents of this approach include Skinners’ (1957) operant condition theory, Pavlov (1936) conditioning theory and Watson (1958). (Axialis Team 2008)Both the social learning and behavior al theories emphasize on observation learning to personality acquisition. They consider environmental factors that influence our personality. They also consider reinforcement and punishment an important factor in learning. However, social learning theory argues that learning is possible without necessarily changing the behavior. This contrast the behavioral approach that argues that learning must be represented by a permanent change in behavior. Social learning assumes people can learn through observation alone and which might not affect their performance thus may not or may impact behavior change.This contrasts the behavioral approach which assumes learning must involve a permanent change in behavior as well conditioning necessity in learning. Modeling, imitation and observation cannot be assumed in behavioral acquisition. Environmental factors too are very important in personality assessment. These two approaches consider this. They both make a step to explain broader personality to include the animals. On the other hand, we cannot assume the thought processes, unobservable activities, biological and genetic factors in personality assessment and which they assume.Conditioning approach can be useful in explaining how we develop a habit how we model it, who influence us towards the habit and how we can stop the habit. In my early stages of life, I used to like toys very much. My parent would make sure that they bought me. Initially, my elder brother used to like them too. My parents would buy him every time he performed better in school. He would spend time with them on his free time. He motivated my love for toys. When I started going to school, my parents adopted a similar strategy in buying me toys.It was not after I destroyed one like before, but after I performed better in school. I remember I had a hard time to adapt to this. Previously I mishandled them; after all they would buy me if damaged. This time round, it was based on performance. I wasn’ t a good performer but I had to work hard to get some new toys. If I didn’t perform well, the punishment was ‘no toy’. As time went by, my performance deteriorated. My parents withdrew their reinforcement. At the long run, there were no more new toys. The old ones were not pleasant at all. I hated them. My performance currently is better but I hate toys.In the behavioral view, I observed the habit from my brother and learnt it, the environmental factors, my parent, influenced me to possess the habit of destroying them in order to be bought some new. I was reinforced to work harder to get new toys. The negative stimulus, the punishment, was not to be bought new toys. The aversive stimulus was my parent’s withdrawal of new toys when my performance decreased. I later stopped liking toys a result of the negative reinforcement. In the social learning view, I learnt the habit from observing my brother; he used his free time well. My brother was my role model.I p aid attention to his habit, I rehearsed and was able to replicate the way he handled and treated the toys. However, my parent motivated me by realizing my habit and therefore bought me some more toys. I did not permanently adapt the behavior implying that learning does not necessarily change behavior. Social learning approach best describes my personality I was able to observe, pay attention, rehearse and replicate my brother’s behavior thus influencing my personality. I was able to regulate myself in settling my goals, observe and make my own judgment and choose my reaction from my parent’s move towards my habit.These theories explore the complexity of human nature. Whichever dimension they take as long as it explain personality assessment, is worth credential. However, if these approaches are merged they would have a better explanation to personality assessment. References Ormrod, J. E. (1999). Human learning. Social learning theory: Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice- Hall. Retrieved on Friday, October 31, 2008 from http://teachnet. edb. utexas. edu/~lynda_abbott/Social. html Axialis team (2008) Psychologist World. Behavioral approach. Retrieved on Friday, October 31, 2008 from http://www. psychologistworld. com/issues/behavioralapproach. php
Friday, November 8, 2019
Culture food and hospitality
Culture food and hospitality Food may be defined as something we consume in order to obtain essential nutrients so that we may be able to lead a healthy and balanced existence. However, this is a very narrow definition especially in the context of hospitality. Food not only provides us with essential nutrients, but also provides us with moments of pleasure, feelings of togetherness and happiness.( are many factors that affect choice of people. A major influencing factor affecting food choice is culture. There are many other factors as well, that are related to culture, which affect food choice. These include physical environment, history tradition, technology, economics, media and socialization. However, this paper will deal with only three of the above mentioned factors viz. the media, socialization and technology. All these three factors are linked with culture in some way or the other. Hence, in order to understand these three factors it is important th at we have an understanding about culture.Tasty Food Abundance in Healthy EuropeCulture is a learned experience; it is acquired by people as they live their daily lives. It is not biologically determined and therefore can be modified or unlearned. Culture is a group phenomenon, not an individual one. It is transmitted from one generation to another. It may be transmitted formally or informally by verbal instruction or by non-verbal cues and through personal examples. For example, it is an Indian tradition to greet someone by folding one's hands and saying 'Namaste'. This is something that is a part of Indian culture. However, it is changing as more and more people are exposed to western influences. This shows that culture can be modified to move with the changing times.Culture is something that is common to a particular geographic region. Sometimes, the culture of a particular region is not affected entirely by religion.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Defeat Of Napoleon In Russia Essays - Military, Napoleonic Wars
The Defeat Of Napoleon In Russia Essays - Military, Napoleonic Wars The Defeat of Napoleon in Russia The Campaign of 1812 should have been a another crusade for Napoleon, but he now faced 2 new policies that he had never faced before, the severe Russian winter and the notorious scorched-earth policy. On June 23, 1812 Napoleon's Grande Armee, over 500,000 men strong, poured over the Russian border. An equal amount of Russian forces awaited them. The result of the campaign was a surprise. Two authors, General carl von Clausewitz and Brett James, show similarities in reasons why Napoleon had lost this campaign to Russia. Napoleon believed that after a few quick victorious battles, he could convince Alexander to return to the Continental System. He also decided that if he occupied Moscow, the Russian government would crumple and ask for peace. " A single blow delivered at the heart of the Russian Empire, at Moscow the Great, at Moscow the Holy, will ineztly put this whole blind, apathetic mass at my mercy." pg 6, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia. This was his belief he expressed in March 1812. However, when Napoleon eventually took over Moscow, the Tsar still did not surrender. Napoleon, sent a message to the Tsar, demanding a immediate surrender. However, the Tsar could not surrender because if he did, he would be assassinated by the nobles. Clausewitz replies by saying, " Napoleon was unable to grasp the fact that Alexander would not, could not negotiate. The Tsar knew well that he would be disposed and assassinated if he tried so." pg 256, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia. General Clausewitz said, "Napoleon believed if he defeated the Russian Army and occupied Moscow, the Russian leadership will fall apart and the government would call for peace." pg 253, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James also agreed that Napoleon's occupation had no result. " The occupation of Napoleon in Moscow did not have a effect on the government." pg 13, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia With his battle plan set, Napoleon prepared his troops for the attack on Russia. But, Napoleon did not consider the fierce Russian winter which awaited him. According to Ludwig Wilhelm Gottlob Schlosser, a onlooker, he described the army by saying, "The French, down to the lowliest drummer were very fastidious. These poor French devils were not satisfied with less than soup, meat and vegetables, roast, and salad for their midday meal, and there was no sign of their famous frugality. They were completely devoid of the coming winter." pg 13, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia Napoleon was even warned by General Rapp about the extremities of the oncoming winter in Russia. "The natives say we shall have a severe winter," Napoleon retorted scornfully, " Bah! You and your natives! We shall see how fine it is." pg 147, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia Napoleon should have heeded Rapp's words. As the Grand Armee marched toward Moscow, many horses and men were lost in the freezing snow, and for those who remained, their morale and effectiveness was at the nadir. General Clausewitz states his point by saying, " With more precaution and better regulations as to subsistence, with more careful consideration of his marches, which would have prevented the unnecessary and enormous accumulation of masses on one and the same road, he would have preserved his army in a more effective condition." pg 255, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia Brett James also shared the same opinion, " Napoleon appeared to have made no effort to discover the facts in Russia, or prepare his troops for it." pg 140, 1812 Napoleon's Defeat in Russia. As Napoleon and his army was making their way to Moscow, they encountered typhus, colds, and dysentery. Even the mighty Napoleon had caught a mild case of the flu. However, his soldiers had received the brunt of the attack. Captain Thomas- Joesph Aubry relives this ordeal, " After this the typhus made appalling inroads in our ranks. We were fourty-three officers in our ward. All of them died, one after the other, and delirious from this dreadful disease, most of them singing, some in Latin, others in German, others again in Italian - and singing psalms, canticles, or the mass." pg 210,
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 62
Art - Essay Example This report shows the presentation of two undergraduate students during the 11th annual artistry symposium. A light humor at the beginning signals his commencement of the presentation of his research on Italian futurism and fascism. He begins by digging deep into the historical background of both Italian Futurism and its relationship to fascism. According to the speaker, futurism was an artistic movement and later overtaken by social movement and began in Italy in the early 1900s. The movement held in high esteem themes that were linked to contemporary concepts of the future such as violence, young people, technological development and speed. In addition, the movement spearheaded growth in cars, aero plane and a manufacturing city. According to the author, there is an obvious reality when Italian fascism is linked to futuristic movement in Italy. The roughly thirty minute’s presentation comes to an end when the presenter begins to request for questions from the section of the audience. the interaction from the audience is magnificent as the speaker shows great depth by responding to all the questions and engaging in interactive intellectual debates. Perhaps a personal opinion would rate highly the presentation as it is full of content, the structure of the presentation is effective, though it is non visual, a imaginary picturing of the presentation confirms the same. The presenter must have cone the research well as the material presented is packaged properly with a deep historical connections. A humor at the beginning overshadows everything and eliminates nervousness showed by his involvement in the answers at the end of the presentation. She commences the presentation without acknowledging the audience, at least from the limitations provided by the audio recording. A visual one could have provided sufficient chance to observe her body language. However, her presentation is rich in content, but she blubs in between the presentation
Friday, November 1, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting Culture and Education in Saudi Arabia and Essay
Comparing and Contrasting Culture and Education in Saudi Arabia and The USA - Essay Example or Mr. as titles. University students however can just call their professors by their first names and mostly, they are encouraged by their professors to do so, which in Saudi would be unpleasant to the ears and may be deemed a sign of disrespect so that adaptation has been difficult for me in this area. In addition, I also observed the form of instruction in the schools. American schools are interactive, with the teachers encouraging the students to participate in discussions, arguing about the subject matter and voicing out their minds with the teacher ready to aid them in channeling their thought to the right decisions, which is greatly different in my country where most of the talking comes from the teacher. The students are expected to sit down and listen in return, never challenging, negotiating or discussing the topic whether an individual agrees or disagrees, a student’s duty is to keep his mouth shut. Christianity is the widely embraced religion in America and the gove rnment founded its constitution in Christian beliefs. Saudi on the other hand established her laws from Islamic ideologies. Although both religions claim an identical story of creation and trace their ancestry to the same patriarchs, the differentiation would be as the names suggest, between the prophets Muhammad and Christ as well as their teachings. Speaking of government, the form used in Saudi is monarchy with council of ministers and consultative council helping the king in his government affairs. The king’s authority is limited because of the context of his role indicated in the Shari’a and other traditions (U.S. Department of State). America on the other hand,... This paper approves that media could be found to be a common phenomenon, affecting the countries’ success and legislation through the distribution of highly competent publications not only in the native tongues of both countries but in other languages as well. Legal issues and individual concepts are placed into the assessment of different sectors as the media make available the information released through broadcast or paper. And this is not just for people to express their interpretations of events but in response to the shared belief of a better environment we all could make. America has a greater number of immigrants from a wider scale of immigrants than that of Saudi. thais paper makes a conclusion that Nations could be entirely different but the fact cannot be denied that somehow, we are somewhat related to each other in unique ways. Looking at the data discussed in this paper, one could easily come up with an analysis of the approach a nation could employ in the making of its policies to meet the specific needs of different nations as each are different. A characteristic may be stronger in one nation than the other but this does not mean that the virtue is solely for that particular nation. In conclusion, as each have varied resources, nations should get involved in the exchange of benefits to build a global relationship that allows every nation to survive in this chaotic world.
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